Global Widgets

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

1. Thim Nav Menu

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select menu and alignment.

2. Thim Mini Cart

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select icon and alignment.
  • Show/hide empty, items indicator.

3. Thim Testimonial

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

1. Testimonial section

  • Select layout
  • Enable/disable Quote Icon
  • Add testimonial item.


2. Settings slider.

  • Set the number of items that will be shown, scrolled…
  • Enable/disable autoplay, pause on interaction, pause on hover…
  • Select pagination option.

4. Thim Site Logo

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select logo image, size and alignment.

5. Thim List Blog

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select layout, category, columns, image size….
  • Set the number of posts will be shown.
  • Add items for post data.

6. Thim Header Info

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Add text for header info.

7. Thim Course

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

1. Options

  • Select skin, category, order by, columns.
  • Set the number of courses will be shown.


2. Content

  • Show/hide thumbnail.
  • Select image size, meta overlay/
  • Configure “Read more” button.
  • Add item for post data.

8. Thim Breadcrumb

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select color for text, link, and delimiter.
  • Configure typography and select alignment.

9. Thim Social

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select icon and alignment.
  • Add items for social media.

10. Thim Team

This Documentation is used for Thim Elementor Kit.

  • Select layout, columns and image size.
  • Add items for list member.