
These are the sections you can customize on the blog page: Breadcrumb, main blog, categories, recent posts, and tags.


Follow the instructions here.

Main blog

Layout: There are 3 layout types you can choose from: default, built container, and full width.

Position sidebar: You have the choice to type none, left, or right.

Maximum articles to show: You can choose the number of blogs displayed.

Display column: The blog list can be shown in three ways: list, 2 columns, or 3 columns. You can choose the one you like.

Type paginate: Paginate and show load more are the two types of pagination you can use.


Title: The title category is customizable by you.

Select categories menu: The category you selected above has a related menu. Select that menu.

Recent Post

Title: The title recent post is customizable by you.

Blog name: Select the blog list shown here.


Title: You can edit the title tag.