Here is the customization for General parts like logos, layouts, etc.
- Logo
You can select the logo, site icon, and logo width.
Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and WordPress mobile apps. Site Icons should be square and at least 512 × 512 pixels.
- Layout: Select site layout, page layout, size body, switch layout style, background switch layout, and padding switch layout.
Content Wide: The content will be displayed wide.
Content Boxed: The content will only be displayed in the box.
Page Layouts: Sidebar on the left, sidebar on the right, and no sidebar. If you choose the sidebar on left, the page will display the sidebar on left.
- Styling: Allows you to set up the color skin on your website. You can change the primary and secondary colors, set the link color and set up the buttons.
If you select the Default option for the color skin, you will have the original color options that go with the theme. But if you select the Custom color option you will be able to set your own color scheme. You can change:
Primary color – it will change the color of some major elements, and highlights of the opened page in the menu.

- Social share: allows you to show/hide social shares and arrange them.
- Typography
This is the customization for Typography.
- Extra Features: allow you to enable/disable auto-login, back to top, select preloading, etc.
- Utilities: allow you to add URLs to Register Redirect, Login Redirect, etc.