Upload Theme

You can upload the Squareroot file in two ways:

1. Via WordPress

Follow these steps below to install Squareroot theme via WordPress:

Step 1. Visit Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New.

Step 2. Click Upload Theme.

Step 3. Browse the squareroot.zip file (not the theme package zip file) on your computer and click Install Now.

Step 4. Activate Squareroot theme.

Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of Squareroot and start importing the demo data process.


*NOTE: One possible problem when importing Demo is that the theme is missing the style.css style sheet.

Solution: You can refer to the error correction guide here.

2. Via Ie (internet Explorer) Ftp

Follow these steps below to install the Squareroot theme via FTP:

Step 1. Login to your FTP account via FTP software to access your host web server.

Step 2. Extract squareroot.zip file.

Step 3. Upload the extracted folder squareroot to the wp-content/themes folder.

Step 4. Activate Squareroot theme in Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.

Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of Squareroot and start importing the demo data process.