
Hairsalon WP requires Thim Core plugin to work. This plugin have to be actived as soon as you uploaded the theme. As we mentioned in section Upload Theme, afer you upload the theme, there will be a notification message Install and active ThimPress Core to start now! ” This is Thim Core plugin.

Revolution Slider plugin: Also a required plugin to install before importing demo data. This is a pemium from Thempunch. Revolution Slider plugin is in hairsalon/ inc/ plugins folder. Configure Revolution Slider for Hairsalon WP as below:



Find more information about Revolution Slider here.

WooCommerce plugin: The theme is integrated WooCommerce plugin for online shopping with full options of WooCommerce.

Our Team plugin: A plugin is developed by ourself. It creates Thim: Our Team shortcode which allows you to show off your team members.

Testimonials plugin: Another plugin is developed by ourself. It creates Thim: Testimonials shortcode which allows you to show off your testimonials.