There are 2 ways to update the theme: Via Envato Toolkit – automatically update and via FTP – manually update. The updating will not loose your changes before but to be safety, you should backup files and database before updating. After updated, re-save customize in Dashboard >> Customize >> click Save & Publish.
1. Via Envato Toolkit
This is the easiest and fastest method to update theme. Do follow these steps to update by Envato Toolkit.
Step 1. Download Envato WordPress Toolkit here.
Step 2. Install and active the plugin in Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add new.
Step 3. Get your API keys.
Step 4. Dashboard >> Envato Toolkit >> input API keys (Marketplace Username & Secret API Key).
Step 5. After input API keys, there will be “Themes” tab. Now you can update theme automatically.
2. Via Ftp
Sometimes, you may have troubles in updating by Envato Toolkit. So another way is to update via FTP. However, this way will take more time because you have to do step by step manually.
Step 1. Login you Envato account. In Download tab, find Hairsalon WP and choose the Installable WordPress Theme (the WordPress file).
Step 2. Login your server, then go to wp-content/ themes folder and backup your hairsalon theme folder if you want or delete it. The content in your site will not be lost but if you have modified code, the changes will be lost. You have to reapply them after updating over.
Step 3. Exact new file you have already downloaded from Themeforest.
Step 4. Drag & drop new theme folder hairsalon to wp-content/ theme to override the existing files.