
We would like to thank you for choosing Elearningwp theme. Built compatibly with the latest version of WordPress and page builder plugin Site Origin, Elearning 3.x promises to give you awesome experiences in creating your own education websites.

1. Requirements

There are system requirements in order to install and setup Elearningwp theme and its components properly. Make sure that you are running the latest version of WordPressPHP version 7.0 or higher and MySQL version 5.7 or higher. We also recommend the following PHP configuration limits:
Recommended PHP configuration limits

  • upload_max_filesize = 32M
  • post_max_size = 32M
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • memory_limit = 256M

Please contact your server provider to verify your current PHP limits and have them set it up again if needed.

Note: Once you successfully install and activate Elearningwp theme,  Elearningwp Dashboard will be added to your WordPress menu. You can verify those requirements under Elearning > System Status 

2. What’s Included

After purchasing Elearningwp theme on with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download Elearningwp theme only (Installable WordPress Theme) or the entire Elearningwp theme package which contains the following files:

  • Elearning theme: An Installable WordPress Theme zip file.
  • Elearning child-theme: A child-theme zip file and a readme.txt note about the child-theme.
  • Documentation: A link to this documentation.
  • Licensing.