This Documentation is used for Eduma Mobile App.
1. Action: Redux Action makes changes in the application, changing the code in it can cause the application to crash.
2. Api: You can edit URLs in here.
3. Assets: Include images and fonts, unless you need to change the app font otherwise we don’t recommend changing it. In the Image section include the images in the application. For example, to change homepage logo, you go to assets > img > icon-home.png.
4. Common: Some functions needed in app.
5. Component:
- bottom-tab-item: edit code for icon style and title bottom tab navigation in app. You can change color, font-size….
- common: some sections in app like: progress in Overview home screen, countdown in quiz… You should explore it more.
- item-list: component for some screens: item-course for Course Screen, item-my-course for My Course Screen…
list: FlatList component for screen.
navigations: global configuration and router for bottom tab navigation. You can add and remove Bottom Navigation in App.
- screens: you can edit all screens in here. Folders are sorted by screens. For example: login, home, courses, course details, profile…