
1. Logo

Set site title, site icon, logos (header logo, mobile logo, sticky logo) and logo width.

2. Logo & Main Menu

To change the logo, you can go to your Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => General => Logo, then select your logo.

To change the main menu, please go to your Dashboard => Appearance => Menus, select the Main Menu, then edit it.

To change the background color and font for main menu, you need to edit it in Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Header Settings => Main Menu = > Background Color.

3. Blog Page

Select layout, set top image, custom title/ sub title for Blog page.

4. Archive

Select layout, set top image, sub title, show author/ category… for category post pages.

5. Post & Page

Select layout, set top image, custom title/ sub title, show/ hide author, date, category,… for posts.

6. Featured

Enable/ disable RTL option, custom the pre-loader image and support an option to put the Google Analytics ID.

7. Color Site

Setup the primary color for the site and the background site color.

8. Layout

Config the site layout. There’re 2 layouts: Wide and Boxed.

9. Pattern

Setup the pattern for the background of the site instead of the boring colors.

10. Typography

Config font text, font size, text color for the text body and headings.

11. Sharing

Show/ hide social sharings in posts.

12. 404

Config page 404.