Please check other resources about using LearnPress on Youtube
1. What is Learnpress?
LearnPress is a plugin to create a LMS website, to spread out course, or sell course.
2. Where can I find LearnPress documentation and user guides?
If you want to use LearnPress to build a Learning Management Website, please refer to our user guides in LearnPress official site.
And if you want to extending or theming LearnPress, see our Wiki.
3. Where can I get support or talk to other users?
If you get troubles when using LearnPress you can ask for help on the LearnPress Support Forum or join the private Facebook group. You could share your feedback about LearnPress. And let us know which feature you would like us to build next.
For help with premium add-ons, use our Support Forum
4. Where can I ask for new features or suggest ideas or themes for Learnpress?
You can send us your ideas through from here.
5. Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project?
You can also report bugs on LearnPress Support Forum or LearnPress Github Repository.
6. What are Learnpress Add-ons?
We offer many LearnPress add-ons that give you more features for your website. Please check them out here:
- 2Checkout add-on for LearnPress
- add-on for LearnPress
- Commission add-on for LearnPress
- LearnPress – bbPress Integration
- LearnPress – BuddyPress Integration
- LearnPress – Course Review
- LearnPress – Course Wishlist
- LearnPress – Export Import
- LearnPress – Prerequisites Courses
- Gradebook add-on for LearnPress
- Content Drip add-on for LearnPress
- Sorting Choice add-on for LearnPress
- Random Quiz add-on for LearnPress
- Co-instructors add-on for LearnPress
- myCRED add-on for LearnPress
- Collection add-on for LearnPress
- WooCommerce add-on for LearnPress
- Paid Membership Pro add-on for LearnPress
- Stripe add-on for LearnPress
- Certificates add-on for Learnpress
- Learnpress – Coming Soon Course
7. Where can I find the REST API documentation?
You can read the documentation about LearnPress REST API here.
8. LearnPress is great, can I contribute to it?
Yes, you can and we appreciate it. Join in our Github Repository.
1. List of some issues when update to LearnPress and how to fix
To make it easier for LearnPress users to update to the 4.0 version, the following is the list of some issues that LearnPress users are facing and how to fix them.
1. Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
MySQL version older than 5.7 leads to this error. You need to update your MySQL to the newest version, and then update LearnPress 4.0 once again.
2. Error: LearnPress Add-ons cannot be active
In the fourth version of LearnPress, we require all add-ons have to update to the version 4.0, too.
For example: If your WooCommerce add-on for LearnPress is in 3.x.x version and when you install LearnPress 4.0, the WooCommerce add-on will be disabled automatically, you need to update it.
How to update your Add-Ons?
2.1. For the users using our premium WordPress Themes from ThemeForest.
Go to Dashboard -> Theme -> Plugin -> Update all add-ons to the newest version.
2.2. For users from purchased our add-ons from ThimPress.
LearnPress add-ons will not be updated automatically. If you want to update it, please follow these steps below:
- Delete the add-ons that you want to update on your website
- Go to this page: and download the latest versions of the add-ons that you want.
- Re-install your add-ons with the latest version.
3. ThimCore cannot be active
If you are using ThimCore version 1.x.x, you cannot activate it to download the new add-ons. In this case, you need to delete your ThimCore and you will receive the notification about re-install it. Click to this notification to install the newest version of ThimCore (2.x.x). If after re-install ThimCore plugin still have version 1.x.x, you can download version 2.x.x on our GitHub, click here to download.
4. Some special cases to error or not show upgrade form:
- Use Backend theme not default WP.
- Use 7G firewall.
- Use the plugin “Lucas string replace”.
- Change the LearnPress menu name in the backend.
2. All changes of LearnPress
To serve our customers better, we have listed all improvements and changes of LearnPress 4.0 compared with LearnPress 3.0 here:
The table below shows all options we have added in LearnPress 4:
Added in LearnPress 4 course
Page | Tab | Option |
Course Setting | General | Featured review |
Course Setting | Extra Infomation | Requirements |
Course Setting | Extra Infomation | Target Audience |
Course Setting | Extra Infomation | Key Features |
Course Setting | Extra Infomation | FAQs: Title |
Course Setting | Extra Infomation | FAQs: Content |
Removed in LearnPress 4
Page | Tab | Option |
Course setting | Assessment | Evaluate via results of quizzes |
Course setting | Review Logs | Review Logs |
Quiz setting | General Setting | Archive History |
Quiz setting | General Setting | Show Hint |
We have added some changes in LearnPress setting options of LearnPress 4, please refer to the table below:
Added settings in LearnPress 4
Page | Tab | Option | Field |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Enable default fields: First name |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Enable default fields: Last name |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Enable default fields: Display name |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Custom register fields |
LP Settings | Advanced | Style | Primary color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Style | Secondary color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Other: Enable gutenberg | Course |
LP Settings | Advanced | Other: Enable gutenberg | Lesson |
LP Settings | Advanced | Other: Enable gutenberg | Quiz |
LP Settings | Advanced | Other: Enable gutenberg | Question |
LP Settings | Advanced | Other | Enable Jwt Rest API |
Final is the options that we have removed in LP4 settings:
Removed settings in LearnPress 4
Page | Tab | Option | Field |
LP Settings | General | General | Logout Redirect |
LP Settings | Courses | General | Enable Editing Published Course |
LP Settings | Courses | Singe course | Enrolled Students Number |
LP Settings | Courses | Course thumbnail | Archive Course |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Add Link To Admin Bar |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Text Link |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Target Link |
LP Settings | Profile | General | Courses Per Page |
LP Settings | Profile | Avatar | Enable Custom Avatar |
LP Settings | Profile | Publicity | Courses |
LP Settings | Profile | Publicity | Quizzes |
LP Settings | Advanced | Enable Custom Colors | |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup links color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup heading background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup heading color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup curriculum background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup item color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup active item background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup active item color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup content background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Popup content color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Section heading background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Section heading color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Section heading bottom color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Lines color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Profile cover background |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Scrollbar |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Progress bar color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Color Schema | Progress bar active color |
LP Settings | Advanced | Load Css | |
LP Settings | Advanced | Enable Lesson Video |