Our Course Builder theme integrated with Visual Composer provides you 30+ Thim shortcode elements along with the default elements from Visual Composer. You can build any layout you can think of just by dragging element into your page or post and you are ready to launch your WordPress website.
Thim Brands: displays affiliate brand logos as draggable slider
Thim Social Links: displays Social Network share for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and many more
Thim Heading: displays heading in a stylish way and allows to align anywhere on the page
Thim Google Map: displays your location on Google Map for easy navigation
Thim Skills Bar: displays multiple circular skill bars with the ability to change colors, title and subtitle
Thim Icon Box: displays icon box with icons from Font Awesome Icon, Ionicons, or your custom icons
Thim Button: displays a button and redirect to external link
Thim Count Down: displays the time remaining until the set date
Thim Image Box: displays image with title, subtitle, and content
Thim Scroll Heading: quick scroll to any specific place on the page
Thim Testimonials: displays user testimonials with many layout choices
Thim Counter Box: displays counter with the ability change colors, icon, currency, etc
Thim Steps: displays steps feature with many layout choices
Thim Video Box: displays playable video box from any sources such as Youtube or Vimeo
Thim Post Block: displays your latest/most popular posts
Thim Photo Wall: displays multiple images as a collection wall
Thim User Info: displays user biographical information (this can be edited under User Profile)
The user ID can be found in User Profile
Thim Features List: displays a featured list such as a FAQs section
Thim Login: displays login form with captcha feature
Thim Enroll Course: displays a specific course you want to emphasize
The course ID is a 3-digit number in the course URL
Thim Course Reviews: displays reviews and rating of a specific course
Thim Courses Carousel: displays courses by latest/most popular/category order in carousel style
Thim Search Courses: displays a course search bar with custom placeholder description
Thim Course – Block 1: displays a list of courses with the style below
Thim Course – Block 2: displays a list of courses with the style below
Thim Course – Block 3: displays a list of courses with the style below
Thim Instructors: displays a list of instructors and links to their profile page
Thim Courses Collection: displays course collection with many layout choices
Thim Text Box: displays text box with many layout choices
Thim Events: displays a list of happening/upcoming events by category