Our MegaBuilder theme integrated with Visual Composer provides you 20+ Thim shortcode elements along with the default elements from Visual Composer. You can build any layout you can think of just by dragging element into your page or post and you are ready to launch your WordPress website.

Thim Brands: displays affiliate brand logos as draggable slider

Thim Pricing: displays pricing packages information in column boxes

Thim Social Links: display a list of social accounts linked to your site

Thim Heading: displays heading with many customization options

Thim Services: displays services with many layout options

Thim Google Map: displays your location on Google Map for easy navigation

Thim Projects: displays projects with many layout options

Thim Breadcrumb: displays breadcrumb on single page

Thim Project Info: displays project info with download button feature

Thim Social Share: displays Social Network share for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and many more

Thim Slider Comparision: displays before and after images with slide bar for comparison

Thim Icon Box: displays icon box with icons from Font Awesome Icon, Ionicons, or your custom icons

Thim Button: displays a button and redirect to external link

Thim Testimonials: displays user testimonials with many layout choices

Thim Our Team: displays team member information with many layout choices

Thim Counter Box: displays coounter box with icons from Font Awesome Icon, Ionicons, or your custom icons

Thim Projects Slide: displays project images as a slideshow

Thim Video Box: displays playable video box from any sources such as Youtube or Vimeo

Thim Posts: displays your latest/most popular posts

Thim Text Box: displays text box with many layout choices

Thim Quote: displays quote with many layout options