1. General
This is for customizing Logo, Page Layouts, Styling, Typography, and Extra Features.
Logo: where you customize multiple logos of your site
Layouts: customizing Site Layouts, Archive Page Layouts, Single Page Layouts, and Page Layouts
Styling: customizing Primary Color, Main Content Background, and Boxed Background
Typography: customizing Body typography and Headings typography
Extra Features: customizing Loading Icon and enable/disable extra features: RTL support, Smooth Scrolling, Open Graph Meta tags, Back to Top, Google Theme, and Preload
2. Header
This is for customizing Layouts, Top bar, Main Menu, Sub Menu and Sticky Menu for Header section.

3. Page Title
This is for customizing Setting, Title and Breadcrumb settings for Page Title

4. Blog
This is for customizing Blog Settings, Blog Archive/Single Page Layout, Meta tags, and Social Share options
5. Hotel Booking
This is for customizing Hotel Booking Layout and Room Archive options

6. Woocommerce
This is for customizing WooCommerce Store Notice, Catalog, Settings, Images and Layouts.

7. Portfolio
This is for customizing Portfolio: Settings and Layouts
8. Footer
This is for customizing Footer settings and Copyright settings
9. Responsive
This is for customizing site Responsiveness on different screen solutions
10. Menus
This is for customizing Menus. There are multiple required menus: Primary menu, footer menu and more. You can add your own menus by adding ‘Custom menu’ widget to widget area
11. Widgets
This is for customizing Widgets areas including Menu Right, Footer before, Footer columns, Shop sidebar and more!
12. Additional Css
This is where you place your custom CSS for your site, you can config anything with it.
13. Export/import
This is where you export/import the customize setting of this theme.