File Structure


  • 6valley requires PHP v8.1 and MySQL 5.7+
  • Mod_rewrite Apache
  • BCMath PHP extension
  • Ctype PHP, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Zip, Fileinfo, Gd, and sodium Extension

On most servers, these extensions are enabled by default, but you should check with your hosting provider.

Source code in the lib/app directory:

  1. Backend:
  • API: directory containing the API config source code connected to the server.
  • Binding: directory containing class bindings of dependencies when using getX.
  • Models: contain data packaging classes to convert data between client and server.
  • Parse: contains classes responsible for analyzing and processing connections to the database and initially processing data received from the API.

  1. Controllers: a directory containing classes that perform processing functions.

  1. Helper: a directory containing commonly used classes of the app

  1. Util: the folder containing the app’s configs and constant variables, initializing the app’s dependent classes…

  1. View: a folder containing components and interfaces of screens in the app.
  2. env.dart: the file containing the necessary configs of the app, including appName,apiBaseURL, websiteURL.
  3. Assets: Include images and fonts, unless you need to change the app font; otherwise, we don’t recommend changing it. In the Image section, include the images in the application. For example, to change the homepage logo, you go to assets > img > icon-home.png.