1. Theme
You can install the theme by 2 ways: Via WordPress or via FTP.
1. WordPress Upload
After downloading theme packages, exact theme package. The file you use to upload is a zip file named EziHotel. Following these steps below to upload theme via WordPress:
Step 1. Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes >> Add New.
Step 2. Click Upload Theme button. Step 3. Browser EziHotel.zip file in your computer and click Install Now button.
Step 4. Active Sailing.
Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of EziHotel and start importing demo data process.
2. Ftp Upload
Following these steps below to upload theme via FTP:
Step 1. Login your FTP account via an FTP software to access your host web server.
Step 2. Unzip EziHotel.zip file. Step 3. Upload the exacted theme folder sailing to wp-content/ themes folder.
Step 4. Active the theme in Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes.
Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of Sailing and start importing demo data process.