Setting Sepay payment

First step you need to go to LearnPress -> Settings -> Payments -> Sepay. Here you will see Sepay setting options.

Select enable to activate Vnpay payment method.

  • Choose bank: You can choose your banks. Click on the square to select.
  • Account number: Your account number so that customers can make payment when purchasing the course.
  • Account name: Your account name will be displayed when customers make a payment. Please enter the account name that matches the account number you entered above.
  • Prefix code purchase: You can understand it as the order code. When the customer makes a payment, there will be a prefix code purchase abbreviated as the first letter in the setting with a number. You can see it displayed in the Fontend section. You can see details by clicking View Document.
  • Webhook URL: Configured when you just installed the Sepay Add-on for LearnPress plugin. The URL is your site in the structure as shown in the image. You can see more details by selecting View document.
  • API Key for webhook: You can Generate it yourself or enter your code in Sepay’s webhook settings. See more information in the View document link below.

Please fill in all fields completely.

Note you need to change the currency to VND by going to LearnPress -> Settings -> General -> Currency.