Install and Update Add-on via purchase code

This guide describes how to install and update the LearnPress add-ons via purchase codes.

The purchase code is a string of random characters you will receive after purchasing any LearnPress premium add-on from Thimpress. This purchase code is used to install and update the add-on automatically on your website. Each add-on will have a purchase code that corresponds to it.

When you have purchased and used ThimPress themes such as Eduma, Coaching, IvyPrep,… you can install free add-ons by going to Theme -> Plugin -> Add-ons -> Install Now.

  • Install Add-on via purchase code

After purchasing a LearnPress Add-on, sign in to your ThimPress account, go to My Account -> click “Dashboard“. You will see the Purchase code for the add-on you purchased earlier.

  • Order: Order number.
  • Product: Product name.
  • Purchase code: The product code that is used to install and update add-ons on your website. Each purchase code is limited to one website.
  • Site URL: Assign your site URL to configure your website in the purchase code.
  • Expire: Expiration time of support and upgrade licenses.
  • Download: Download add-ons as .zip file with different versions.

Next, please copy your website domain name -> paste it into “Site URL” -> click “Save” to configure your website in the purchase code.


After assigning your domain name to “Site URL“, copy that “Purchase code“.


Next, you need to find the add-on that corresponds to that purchase code by going to your Dashboard -> LearnPress -> Add-ons -> All -> Install -> Paste “Purchase code” -> click “Submit“.

You can check if the add-on has been successfully installed by navigating to LearnPress -> Add-ons -> Installed.


  • Update Add-on via purchase code

In addition, the purchase code is also used to update the add-on. There are two methods to update the add-on: When installing the add-on via purchase code and when downloading the .zip file.

Method 1: Update the add-on when installing it via the purchase code.

When buying and installing the LearnPress add-ons via the purchase code, you need to go to LearnPress -> Add-ons -> Update -> select the add-on and click on the “Update” button.

Method 2: Update the add-on when installing it by downloading the .zip file

When buying and installing the LearnPress add-ons by downloading the .zip file, go to My Account -> Dashboard -> copy and assign your website domain name to “Site URL“.

Next, go to LearnPress -> Add-ons -> Update -> find the add-on to update -> Click “” -> Paste ” Purchase code” -> click “Submit“.

After successfully updating the purchase code -> Click “Update” to update the add-on.