1. Become a teacher
[ learn_press_become_teacher_form]
Attribute :
- title (text)
- description (text)
- submit_button_text (text)
- submit_button_process_text (text)
This shortcode will show become a teacher form:
2. Purchase-Enroll course button
Shortcode :
- id : If you want to buy a specific course, you can add id of that course. if not, you don’t need to add id.
This shortcode will show start now button:
3. Checkout page
This code will show checkout form:
4. Course Curriculum
[learn_press_course_curriculum ]
- id : If you want to show a specific course, you can add id of that course. if not, you don’t need to add id.
This shortcode will show the curriculum of the course:
5. Login form
Shortcode :
This shortcode will show login form:
6. Register form
This shortcode will show register form:
7. Profile page
Shortcode :
This shortcode will show profile page:
8. List Featured Courses
Shortcode :
- limit : the number of courses will show.
- order_by : title , id …..
- order : DESC or ASC
This shortcode will show list featured course:
9. List Recent Course
Shortcode :
- limit : the number of courses will show.
- order : DESC or ASC
This shortcode will show recent courses:
10. List popular course
Shortcode :
Attribute :
- limit: the number of courses will show.
This shortcode will show list popular courses.
11. Filter Course
Shortcode :
You can add this shortcode wherever you want. After adding the shortcode, it will show: